Just a look into my life as a teacher which is bumpy.....

Sunday, July 02, 2006


3rd July.06
It has been too long.I'm here today.The Year Six is struggling for good results.
I'm trying all I can but the pupils haven't changed that much.
There are more Tests to come.
The next month is more....there are 4 tests.Despite all,I think they should provide confidence and motivation.
We cannot expect so much out of the school children if they are not up to par.
They are at their own level,so I think it is notr fair to test them at a certain level.
Most of the tests are not suitable or too difficult.
If you look at the second paper (UPSR) most school and especially mine,can't cope with the demands and requirements.And why shoulkd testthem on what they are not knowing to do?
I have tried to help but just can't.
I provide them some models to follow or even just copy tghem down but they couldn't or just don't want to bother about it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Second Day

May 24 o6
Today is the second day of exam.
Needless to sy rthat it's a busy day for everyone with three to seven subjects to mark.
And everybody is really down on it.
Haven't run mine yet that's why I'm writing right now.
It is quite easy to spend time doing something than nothing.
Yesterday was a pay day.I've been teaching for about nine years now.
And my pay is increasing....to about USD5++.
Thank God for that.

Success has nothing to do with money
Bottomline here is you set a goal and get it done
Set many goals but assure that you will accomplish them no matter what it takes.

I'm done for today.

Better to look down than to look up....you won't see where you're going.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Exam week

May23rd 06
Today we start our school exam.
It means that the break is closing in.
Any extra classes will be rescheduled this week.
Start another class program for Year Six didn't know if it helps them.
I better get ready for the worst and preparwe for the best.

It is not an easy job but somebody has to do it.
We 've just celebrated the Teachers' Day.
Receive a lot of gifts from the schoolchildren .
Really touched me and I don't know what have I done to them.
I try my best to facilitate learning but I think it is none to better.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

After the Break

May 15 06
We're back to school after tehe vesak day.I'm teaching at a primary school in

Time and again I told myself how much I love those kids and do my best to
educate them.

In fact,the best teacher teach from the HEART.

I like teaching more tahn anything in the but for a few days now,everytime
I try to speak,I felt uneasy and pain in my head.

Seems like everything I do is not good enough.Think I just going at it.

Still Trying

May 14 06 Dream..Dream...When I want you...
In my arms when I need you..
And all your charm whenever I need you
All I have to do is dream.....
I'm going somewhere today..Juz gettin some gifts for my kids to bring to school for the teachers' day

Well,actually I forget to tap in

Saturday, May 13, 2006


May 13 06 Still struggling with the PC.I'm trying to paste some ad here but can't.
Anybody knew how?Really need help here.
I want to talk .......but my words disappear
I want to look but my eyes are shut
I want to do it right but just dont know how.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Start My Blog

May 12 06 The first time I start writing to my own Blog guess it's nothing interesting to do
Anyway here I am stting in front of my old Pentium MMX trying to post my blog.
And I like to share my story.......with all of you??
